Opening Ceremonies

Today was a great first day of Olympic week!

Today the Red Group had fun playing extreme water sports playing in the water slide and with squirt guns! We adventured to the playground and played soccer in the field! We also did a chalk obstacle course on the basketball court!

The Orange Group made paper plate medals and foam fingers at craft time! Then we made Olympic ring glasses, or swimming goggles! In the field we cooled off with a game of “drip drip drop!”

The Yellow Group loved playing kickball with the green group! We also played capture the medal and made our own sport balls!

The Green Group played water tag on this hot day! We made some cool crafts like Olympic torches, paper plate sport balls, and Olympic rings! We also raced soap boats! Green Group also prepared for tomorrows whole-group Olympic event!

Hopkinton Waiver and Permission Slip Information

IMPORTANT REMINDER: If your child wants to kayak, they will have to fill out a waiver IN ADDITION to the permission slip.

**Please fill out a waiver if you think your child might kayak. Otherwise they will not be able to change their minds.

Students that do not kayak (or forget their waivers) will spend the day at a swimming beach at Hopkinton State Park..


One thought on “Opening Ceremonies”

  1. The blue water bottle with Harry Potter decal and pink lunch bag are Brielle’s. I’ll make sure to remind her to bring them home tomorrow.

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