Making a Splash with Talent!


Today was a very busy day with the Sunshine Group as we performed our annual talent show this morning and then headed right to the pool!  Our talents included singing, dancing, gymnastics, magic, comedy, karate, drawing, origami, science experiments, pogo sticks, and more!  Everyone did a wonderful job!  We have some amazing talents here at camp.  The show concluded with a counselor-led dance to the “Hoedown Throwdown” that had the audience involved too!  After that, we were off to the pool for a refreshing cool down and everyone made their way in to the water today!

Next week’s theme is Healthy Team and our field trip will be to One Stop Fun!  Here is the permission slip.

Field Trip Fun – Science Exploration

It was a wonderful day at the museums today. Red, Orange, and Yellow groups had fun with all of the hands-on activities to try at the Children’s Museum. They tried music, built towers, played with bubbles, and splashed around in the water room. At the Science Museum, Green, Blue, and Purple groups had the chance to learn about the science behind the Disney Pixar movies. It is amazing the work that is needed just to give a character curly hair!!

Tomorrow, we head to the pool! Please remember swim gear, swimsuits, sunscreen, towel, snack, and drink!