Wacky Wednesday!!

It has been a wild and wacky week here at camp.  Campers have turned into brilliant scientists planting seeds, mixing colors, building roller coasters, and trying out creations with an egg drop project.  We also launched a diet coke and mentos rocket on the field before heading to mini-sessions where we learned about Taekwondo, Dance, Music, Transformers, Football, Rocks and Abstract Color.

Tomorrow we head to the museums and we cannot wait!  Please remember red camp tshirts and sneakers!  Also, tomorrow is an extended day with an expected return time of 2pm.  Please pack snack, drink, and lunch!


Week Two: Boston Museums: 2pm
Week Three: Southwick’s Zoo: 12:30pm
Week Four: Movies: 12:30pm
Week Five: One Stop Fun: at least 1pm (official time to be confirmed soon)
Week Six: Hopkinton State Park: 12:30pm