Time Travel Tuesday

We started Time Travel off with a great day of traveling to the past and to the future!

The Red Group friends had a super fun day filled with crafts, field games, and time traveling adventures! Red Group friends played freeze tag and “duck duck goose” in the field, and made tin foil robots and jewelry during art! As always we went to the park and played construction workers in the sand!

The Orange Group started the day by making robots and spaceships, bonnets, and flying saucers! Then we played in the sandbox and played “red light, green light” – and we even added a few more colors of our own creation with different movements! In the field today we played robot tag, and we went back in time to ancient Egypt where we made hieroglyphics with chalk!

The Yellow Group played some Old Town games today with the Green Group, including croquet, four square, hoop and stick, and sheet ball! The Yellow Group also made fossils, and teepees!

The Green Group also made flying saucers, prehistoric necklaces, and cave drawings! They also went back in time to week one and played some name games! The Green Group is working hard on the Sunshine Marketplace for tomorrow!

Important Field Trip Information

Please note that our field trip will extend our day to 2:00! We will be going to the Museum of Science on Thursday. The bus will start its dismissal route when we return at 2:00. We will also be going to the pool on Friday!

Museum of Science Permission Slip