The Daily Blog

Wacky Week!

Yesterday, in the field kids played rubber chicken game, costume obstacle course, rubber chicken hunt, and mosquito tag.

Crafts kids made pool noodle monsters, pine cone Dino’s, and paper bag puppets.

Choice was playground and waterslide.

Lastly for pick a project kids made balloon cars, bottle bubbles and catapults!

We ended our day with special guests from the Medway Police and Fire Department most notably Officer Schindler a former counselor with us!

We are looking forward to our field trip today!

Cinderella Was a Hit!

Happy Friday!

Cinderella was a hit! The Sunshine Group was impressed as always by the amazing actors at the Walpole Children’s Theatre. Please consider checking out their shows during the school year!

See you next week for Wacky Week, which will have a wacky schedule. Jess will send out a text with the schedule (including our talent show on Thursday!).

Have a great weekend

– The Sunshine Group