Today we had a great Wacky Wednesday!

The Red Group had a wacky day. We started our day with some choice time at the playground and sandbox. After moving to the field, we played a wacky game of “Drip Drip Drop,” get to know you ball game and a quick run through the sprinkler to cool off! During arts and crafts, we made some wacky art pictures. Red Group had a great time participating in the wacky parade!

The Orange Group started off at arts and crafts where we made some wacky monsters, paper bag puppets, and Wockets in Pockets based off the Dr. Seuss book, which we read at snack time!! Then we cooled off in the field by playing a game of sponge sling shot! We also finished our day with the wacky parade and had a great time!

The Yellow Group started in the field by playing “Mother May I” and “Drip Drip Drop.” Then at craft time, we made “Forkys” just in time for Toy Story 4 tomorrow! We also made friendship bracelets before going to play blob tag!

The Green Group started in the field playing a teamwork game which involved animal noises, and then cooled off by playing sponge fling! At crafts we created wacky creature creations and did blow paint. Then we set up the Wacky Parade for the whole camp where everyone had so much fun in their wacky costumes!!

Tomorrow will be a great day at the movies!
Please remember to fill out the online permission slip or send in a paper copy with your child. Also, remember to wear yellow camp shirts. If you didn’t get one today, we have them at camp!