The Daily Blog

Sensational Science!

Despite the rain, we had a wonderful day at the park! In the field, the kids played floor is lava, mad science relay, and parachute games.

At crafts, kids used balloon stamps, UV beads, spin art, and made sensory bottles.

During choice, kids played on the slip and slide, playground, or basketball.

At pick a project, kids played float or sink, made twirling butterflies, polished pennies and tried a dry erase experiment.

We ended our day with a science show from Atomic Allen!

– The Sunshine Group

Sunshine’s Got Talent!

Today started with our normal schedule. In the field kids played minute to win it activities. For craft, kids made alien headbands and party hats. Choice was playground or waterslide and pick a project was exploding bags, pipe cleaner puppets and talent show practice.

We are so proud of everyone who participated or helped out today to make the Talent Show a success!

There were so many different and OUTSTANDING acts. We are so proud of our staff and kiddos who got up to share their talents!

– The Sunshine Group