The Daily Blog

Fun in the Sun!

What a fantastic first day! We had so much fun! In the field we played name games to learn each other’s names, played sponge relays, and played with the parachute.

At Pick a Project we had a special bubble show with Mr. Vinny! There were also magnet tiles to play with and bubble experiments!

For arts and crafts, we painted shells, used model magic to make prints and creations, and colored pictures with our friends.

We also had choice time where we could choose to play on the playground or get wet on the slide!

Linked below is our permission slip for the movies this Thursday. Don’t forget to wear your shirts (we will give out shirts tomorrow morning). Thank you!

Movies Permission Slip:

Thanks for a great first day, and we will see you tomorrow!


Week 1 Updates – 2024 Sunshine Group

Hello Sunshine Families!

Happy 4th of July! We cannot wait to see everyone next week at our open house on Monday, July 8 at 5:00pm or on Tuesday, July 9th at 9:00am for the first day of our program! Can’t make it to the Open House? Check out our Virtual Open House. In the meantime, below are a few updates for the summer 2024 session:

  • Swimming Update for Week 1
  • Wacky Week Schedule Changes
  • Inclement Weather Plan Update

Fino Pool May Not Be Open for Week 1.
We may need to change our swimming plan. Fino Pool is still not open to the public. They are waiting for final inspections. They are hoping for a July 8th opening date, but with our first visit approaching, we may need to make a change of plans. We will send out a message as soon as possible to let you know what our plans for Friday will be, but we may need to wait until July 8th to hear about the pool.

Week 4 (Wacky Week) is Going to Have a Wacky Schedule!
For Wacky Week, we had to change the field trip day to Wednesday, July 31, which we had originally had scheduled as the talent show. The Talent show will be moved to Thursday, August 1st. Please mark this in your calendars because we hope to see you there in the audience for the show! The field trip for week 4 will be XtremeCraze Family Fun Center in Foxboro.

In Case of Inclement Weather, We Might Be Able to Access the Medway VFW!
Depending on availability (the Medway VFW has some programs already scheduled), we might be able to use the VFW instead of having a rain cancellation. We will monitor the weather closely and keep families updated via text if there will be a change of location. In the case of a VFW day, bus riders will be picked up as usual and dropped off at the VFW. Parents who drive their children will drop off and pick up at the VFW.

Other odds and ends:

Thanks for reading our blog and keeping an eye out for text messages from us! Looking forward to a fantastic summer!

See you soon,

– The Sunshine Group

Sunshine Group Summer 2024 Session Updates

Hello Sunshine Families,

We are planning for another amazing summer in Medway! We are processing applications and sent out an email to all registered families on Friday, April 19th. Please reach out if you did not get an email from us!

Updated information about the Summer 2024 Session is now posted on the website. One major update is that we are planning on going back to Fino Pool for swimming this summer. They are expected to be reopened for Summer 2024 and will have a renovated pool and splash pad for us to enjoy. We are excited to go back! More information, including our weekly themes and planned field trips are posted on the Programs and Activities page.

Another exciting announcement is that this spring, The Sunshine Group requested an increase in the Sunshine Budget. We are excited to announce that the Town of Medway has increased its contribution to our program, allowing us to continue providing low student-to-staff ratios and the trips and activities that we are proud to offer to your children! We continue to be grateful to the Town of Medway for their support of our program and the children we serve.

Looking for Help with Community Outreach

In addition to the updated information about the Summer 2024 Session, we are hoping that you can help us with some community outreach! We are looking for community support to fund scholarships for families who cannot afford our program. If your company matches donations, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to our program! Or, if you have a connection with a local business, please consider printing and bringing our donation letter to your favorite Medway businesses. We appreciate your help to spread the word around the community. Every little bit helps!

Here is the donation letter that you can share with your company or with Medway businesses.

Thank you in advance for your help!
-The Sunshine Group